Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thing # 9

Well the spring is not feeling as sprung out as Thing #8. I enjoyed the Blogline Search tool. In fact, I made the comment that I wished I had started with Blogline first...before Google Reader. I thoroughly enjoyed the Cool Cat Teacher blog. As I continued bouncing along I discovered Teaching and enjoyed the first article, "50 Must - Read Up and Coming Blogs by Teachers"...written by Christina Laun. On Bloglines I did a search for quotes and to my surprise up popped 3,160 posts...many were about quotes/rates for a products. I had a quick lesson on being very clear on knowing what you want and saying what you mean. Upon typing in "famous quotes...only 194 posts came up. :-) I discovered Quote of the Day. with a postings from yesterday.

Edublogs' award winners was interesting. The Top Cat Teacher blog was one of the nominees for the award. I enjoyed exploring did not sign of yet. I did not like springing onto the was a bit more confusing and more than I was ready to bite off at this time.

Searching Spring Branch ISD was not what I expected...first to see a Board Member's blog, but the most amazing thing was down five or six links that was posted by iphone Blue-Parrot-bluetooth-headset information superblog. There was information about SBISD going LAN wireless. What a small world in which we live!

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